Benjamin Bentmann schrieb:
> Roger Ye wrote:
>> e.g., in Linux, if LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-16 has been set,
>> one will be very confused in case of option [b], when maven uses another
>> encoding such as utf-8
> Confusion, that is exactly my point. If one of your co-workers has
> "LC_ALL" set to a different value, won't he be confused why the build is
> failing for him when you just tell "works for me"? The same POM should
> deliver the same build output, that's just what I consider of "highest
> weight".

But is'nt this more an argument for "get used to explicitly state encoding" 
than for
"a maven wide default is better than a platform wide default"?
Or just a warning for not to expect "whole world is just using your preferred 

>> and always respecting platform default encoding is the correct way to
>> make
>> an application encoding-transparent
> I feel I misunderstand you. From your description, I imagine a world
> were text editors don't bother to ask users for an encoding but simply
> always use platform default encoding. In such a world, I wonder how
> people would collaboratively work on the same sources.
>> so the application developer don't need to worry about converting
>> back-n-forth between several encodings/charsets,
> Considering the internet and its wonderful aspect of bringing people all
> over the world together, I really believe it is time that application
> developers *do* worry about encoding and converting file contents to
> pull down the walls that our different locales or OS impose.

Fully agreed!
But, the discussion is about implied defaults not evangelizing explicit 
encoding declarations.
Cooperating people from different encoding worlds are usually already quite 
aware of those problems and used to attacking them.
Defining a default maven encoding brings this problem to solitaire users that 
just happen to live in a different encoding world than
maven default...

> Imagine two open-source projects, one using UTF-8 and the other Big5.
> How would people participate on these projects (using the same machine)
> if we expected applications to always stick to one system-wide encoding
> setting?
>> IMO, e.g.,  networking related applications, have to deal with encoding,
>> this is by nature, since network is used to connect
>> people from different places.
> Let's remember that Maven is just sitting next to a "networking related
> application", i.e. source control management.
> Benjamin
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