>  I know you and Jay keep saying that you dont see a reason to have one
>  yet, but I still disagree...and that's coming from someone who put a
>  lot of work into the last one; I understand what an undertaking it is
>  to create a two-day event (if it'll even be a two-day event next
>  time).  There is much to discuss.  And even more to celebrate!

we started talking about the last Vloggercon in December when Josh Leo
brought it up.
we put it on in June.

its healthy that we all start talking about what we want to do.
Vloggercon is us.
i understand that we all want to get together and hang out.
you know I'm about that.
why dont we rent a big campground for a week...run workshops...make
video together...bonfires!
why does it have to be a "conference" with panels?

forget 2 days.
lets meet for a whole week...
I want to meet everyone's family and kids.
let's talk about an idea and have a whole week to mull it over.


Here I am....

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