On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 10:02 PM,  <jida...@jidanni.org> wrote:
> Someone posted a link to
>> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/wiki/Category:Hogtie_bondage


> Delving further, we find
> https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/wiki/Main_Page says
> Welcome to Wikimedia Commons, when in fact the real site is
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page . Or is it?

They're the same site. Served from two different domains.

> In fact on any page on either site, one cannot find any link to the
> corresponding page on the other site.

Yeah, secure.wikimedia.org's URL scheme isn't really friendly
to outsiders. Historically, this is because SSL certificates are
expensive, and there just wasn't enough money in the budget
to get more of them for the top-level domains. Maybe this isn't
the case anymore.

> So now everybody will be passing around two times the amount of links to
> what in fact is the same material.

If people are pasting double links, then they're being silly. I
imagine a lot of stuff on Commons uses {{fullurl:}} so the links
are properly generated by MediaWiki.

> One would hope the owners of Wiki[pm]would redirect etc. one to the
> other, to stem the proliferation of non-canonical links.

Redirection would be pointless. Serving them from the same
domain (eg: https://commons.wikimedia.org) would be great
and is already posted as a bug[0]. I think this is your primary
complaint, but as usual you spent half of your post insulting
people and creating straw men.


[0] https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20643

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