Hi Denis,

One clarification:

On 10/20/10 7:11 AM, Denis Lila wrote:
When would the isCW test trigger?  Does it track "rev"?  What happens
at 180 degrees (is that test reliable for the randomization that might
happen when omxy are directly opposite mxy)?

isCw is used for computing the arc bisector by testing whether the computed
point is on the side it should be (and multiplying by -1 if not), it is used
to compute the sign of cv in drawBezApproxForArc, and for computing rev.

The only reason I ask is
because I think the sign of mmxy is probably controllable by
understanding the input conditions, but this test should be safe
(modulo if it really works at 180 degrees).  If it has failure modes at 180
degrees then reworking the math to produce the right sign in the first
place may be more robust for that case.  A test for this is to render
"(0,0) ->  (100,0) ->  (0,0)" with round caps and then rotate it through
360 degrees and see if the round caps invert at various angles.

I already did that. I drew 100 lines like the one you describe. I attached
the results. It never fails. It is still possible that there could be some
case where it fails, but this does prove that such a case would be very rare.

Also, line 256 - does that track "rev"?

It does. I changed the test to if(rev).

Cool, but above I was also asking the same question about line 231, and you provided a lot of information about line 231 (and a test to verify it), but didn't answer if the test in line 231 also tracks rev the same way...?


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