OK, I can see how your terminology works now, but it seems odd to me. I never consider re-expressing the coordinates on a curve as a vector and basing geometric properties on those constructed vectors. I either consider the points on the curve, or its tangent or its normal - none of which is the value you are expressing. You are, essentially, operating on tangent vectors, but you aren't calling them that, you are calling them something like "the vector of the derivative" which is a relative (direction only) version of the tangent vector (which has location and direction). When one talks about curves and being parallel, my mind tends to think of the tangents of the curves being parallel and tangents are directed by the first derivative.

Also, if you are going to use your definition of "vector" then parallel is an odd term to use for values that originate from the same point (points considered as a vector are taken to originate from 0,0) - really you want those "vectors" to be collinear, not (just) parallel.

So, either || means "the coordinates of the curves expressed as vectors are collinear" or it means "the curves (i.e. the tangents of the curve at the indicated point) are parallel". Saying "vector I() is parallel to vector B()" didn't really have meaning to me based on the above biases.

So, I get your comment now and all of the math makes sense, but the terminology seemed foreign to me...


On 10/20/10 10:48 AM, Denis Lila wrote:
Also, how is A(t) and B(t) are parallel not the same as "the curves A
and B are parallel at t"?

Well, suppose A and B are lines with endpoints (0,0), (2,0) for A
and (0,1),(2,1) for B. Obviously, for all t, A and B are parallel at t.
However let t = 0.5. Then A(t) = (1,0) and B(t) = (1, 1). The vectors
(1,0) and (1,1) are not parallel, so saying A(t) || B(t) is the same
as saying that there exists c such that (1,0) = c*(1,1), which isn't true.

However, A'(t)=(2,0) and B'(t)=(2,0), and the vectors
(2,0) and (2,0) are parallel.

Does this make more sense?


----- "Jim Graham"<james.gra...@oracle.com>  wrote:

On 10/20/10 7:54 AM, Denis Lila wrote:
In #2, you have a bunch of "I'() || B'()" which I read as "the
of the derivative (i.e. acceleration) is equal", don't you really
"I() || B()" which would mean the original curves should be
Otherwise you could say "I'() == B'()", but I think you want to
parallels because that shows how you can use the dxy1,dxy4 values
the parallel equivalents.

Not really. I've updated the comment explaining what || does, and
it should be clearer now. Basically, A(t) || B(t) means that
A(t) and B(t) are parallel (i.e. A(t) = c*B(t), for some nonzero
not that curves A and B are parallel at t.

I'm not sure we are on the same page here.

I'() is usually the symbol indicating the "derivative" of I().  My
is not with the || operator, but with the fact that you are applying
to the I'() instead of I().

Also, A(t) = c*B(t) is always true for all A and B and all t if you
a sample in isolation.  Parallel means something like "A(t) = c*B(t)
with the same value of c for some interval around t", not that the
values at t can be expressed as a multiple.

Again, I'() || B'() says to me that the derivative curves are
not that the original curves are parallel...


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