Hello Jay

Le 17/04/2020 à 12:58, Jayathirth D v a écrit :

I have a question regarding test case. Why test has to check whether we are getting negative value or not and then calculate whether the tileGridOffset is 0. From different function's specification in BufferedImage I see that there are no multiple tiles support. I went through mail thread related to how we are comparing it to JAI’s implementation. But I think we can still keep the test case to be minimal and just check for 0 grid offset values.

It is true that just testing that grid offset values are 0 would be sufficient. But doing so does not explain why it needs to be zero (except because the specification said so). The purpose of the first part of the test, which is computing tileX and tileY, is to illustrate why grid offsets need to be zero. The idea is to said "Suppose that we don't know that this image has only one tile. Let's calculate tile indices the way we would do for an arbitrary RenderedImage. Do we get consistent results?".

In other words the two tests are redundant. But the first test requiring (tileX == 0 && tileY == 0) takes the perspective of checking if the values are mathematically consistent, while the other tests requiring (tileGridXOffset == 0 && tileGridXOffset == 0) are basically the same tests but from the perspective of checking compliance with specification. The first test about mathematical consistency is a kind of documentation, but addresses the problem which was the reason for this patch request.

The comment about negative value is because the formulas used in the test — tileX = (x - tileGridXOffset) / image.getTileWidth() — is not quite exact. The division should be replaced by a call to Math.floorDiv(int, int). I though that it was not necessary for this test since the two formulas will differ only if (x - tileGridXOffset) is negative, which is not the case in this test, and that a comment would be simpler. But maybe it would be less confusing to remove the comment and use Math.floorDiv(int, int) instead.



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