Hello Philip

Le 17/04/2020 à 21:08, Philip Race a écrit :

So if this is "always zero", for BufferedImage, why aren't we just directly returning zero ?

For consistency with existing BufferedImage.getMinX() and getMinY() method implementations. Those methods shall always return zero (this is also stated in the specification), but BufferedImage implementation nevertheless delegates to raster.getMinX() and getMinY(). The BufferedImage constructor verifies that (raster.minX == 0 && raster.minY == 0), but despite this restriction some BufferedImage methods are implemented for arbitrary raster.minX and raster.minY values (see for example getData() — note however that setData(Raster) is not robust to arbitrary minX and minY).

I don't know why some (but not all) BufferedImage methods have been made robust to arbitrary minX and minY. So for deciding what to put in getTileGridXOffset(), I took the formula and substituted each term by the corresponding BufferedImage implementation. This process was documented in a previous version of this change request:


I'm a bit on the fence about this wondering whether to submit a CSR here, since a behavioural change is being introduced in order to conform to the spec, and there is some compatibility issue possible.

Note that previous behavior was mathematically inconsistent with RenderedImage specification and with Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) implementation (e.g. PlanarImage.XtoTileX(int)). It went unnoticed maybe because Java2D has optimization for the BufferedImage case which bypass the getTileGridXOffset() and getTileGridYOffset() values.



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