
No offence taken (now I've downed those 20 valiums).  I should have pointed out 
in my original post that I'm fairly confident it's
not my deck set up (I did mention that the records won't play on Piccadilly's 
decks either).
For the record (boom boom) I use Stanton 500s, I know they're possibly not the 
best (I might change to elliptical Ortofons soon) but
the styli are regularly changed and not subject to abuse.  They are properly 
attached to the headshells, painstakingly parallel /
straight in them and with the right amount of overhang (checked with both a 
cartridge protractor and measured at the centre of the
deck).  I run them at a stylus pressure of 3.5g, which I've sort of come to by 
experience, but have just checked the Stanton site
and is precisely in the middle of the 2 to 5g range they recommend.  I realise 
it's less than many people use but I don't like to go
too heavy for the sake of my records.  The tone arm height is also correctly 
adjusted (I think it's about 2) to leave the arm
parallel to the record surface as it's playing.  I usually use a little 
anti-skate but with these problem records I've been
experimenting with different settings - but none gets round the problem.
Did I miss anything?
Let's face it though not every deck, particularly ones in clubs - you should 
have felt the looseness of the arm of one I had to play
out on last Saturday (not your gig Robin, the other one!) - will be set up this 
well.  Surely when making records which may well be
played under such circumstances you'd want them to have a tolerance for a 
little maladjustment rather than needing a spot on set up?
When you see the size of the shake the arm gets on these cuts there must be a 
fair amount of energy being transmitted to it.  This
is what I think the problem is - people putting more and more bass into things 
without reducing overall level of the track - which
in the end I guess just equals constantly cutting things louder.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Odeluga, Ken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 24 July 2007 12:40
> Francis I don't mean to be patronizing or dismissive, but 
> just a good fellow vinyl collector: what I'm going to say is 
> something which I have often needed reminding of too...
> When was the last time you checked your tracking? (Correct 
> weight per cartridge as indicated on the packaging or on 
> their website + correct tone arm alignment for your 1210s 
> (I'm guessing, but whatever turntables you have...)
> Just a thought, don't shoot!
> ;-)
> Ken

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