its probably the whole crime thing and how Tha D was notorious for crime in the 80's. who knows, maybe americans got tired with the whole detroit-crime line and now the media has moved onto other sensationalist topics. dont forget the racial element that is always in the back of the american media's mind. or maybe the crime level went down, dont know, im canadian.

One thing I've noticed: Detroit seems to be a lot less prominent in the
American national media in the 90s than it was in the 80s. Probably because
decline is more newsworthy than reconstruction??? Don't really know enough
about it to say, and I don't pay enough attention to the news anyway, so
this may be completely off base.

Regardless, filmmakers always seem to have a distinct purpose in mind when
shooting/setting a film in Detroit. There is a distinct mood associated with
Detroit in the American consciousness.

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