Went to see Adam Beyer at Motor on Friday and couldn't believe the response
he got from the crowd.  People were going nuts.  Of the mostly full
dancefloor that I walked into at midnight, probably 75% stayed there and
just went manic.

It took people a good half-hour to get sucked into his hard vibes, but by
that point I began to feel like I was at a heavy metal show.  People were
just going for it, dancing like crazy and needing lots of space.  Helped me
tap into my testosterone.  The coolest part about the frantic vibes was the
amount of females getting down.  Something about attractive women dancing
hard to techno and dark DnB is just so cool and sexy!

Anyway, walked in at midnight just as he took the decks.  Most of the first
half of his set was fairly minimal stuff in terms of content.  Just
percussion and basslines.  He would mix in a new record every few minutes,
letting the tracks play out long enough for you to get lost in the dense

A little over halfway through, he mixed in the original mix of "Jaguar" very
seamlessly.  That got people going nuts and signalled a change of pace.
>From there until he finished at 2:30, he started picking up the pace.
Faster and harder records with faster mixing.  It got to the point that
people were pumping their fists in the air, cheering, yelling and screaming.
Some young kids even climbed up on the front of the DJ booth and were
getting the crowd pumped up.

Overall, the energy was massive.  Very raw, very primal and very masculine.
By the end, I felt like I'd just finished working out.  Rarely do I dance so
hard that I go home sore and truly dehydrated.

Towards the end of the set, I kept thinking to myself "this is what it must
feel like to be insane."  For real.  This was up there with making it
through one of Richie Hawtin's six-hour sets.  You wake up sore in the

I'd do it again in a heartbeat though.  Too bad Motor doesn't bring in
people like Beyer for their residency's rather than DJs such as Dave Ralph
and Stacy Pullen.


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