When he played for a crew I was working with in Detroit in '98 he wasn't all
that. It was cool to get to see a living legend in the flesh, especially
'cause i got to pick him up from the airport and talk w/him a little (and
bring him KFC, which WAS IN HIS CONTRACT). But his set wasn't all that, he
played the latest commercial Hip-Hop (Busta Rhymes, Lil Kim) and he didn't
even mix, just played tracks back to back and intro-faded sometimes. Then and I'm not sure if it was supposed to be a subtle dig at all the white kids in attendance (the crowd
was mainly vanilla) he played Areosmith and Guns and Roses. WTF? On the
other hand, there has been numerous occasions where Hell has ripped me a
new arsehole.

The 24 th July I need to choose between 2 party's should I go to Dj Hell
which I have seen several times (but he is soo good !), or is bambaataa
realy worth chekking out ???

Belgium Greetz

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