In a message dated 10/07/00 10:15:17 GMT Daylight Time, 

> Yeah, i have always had a bit of respect for spooky, and certainly
>  wouldn't have put him in the 'mainstream' category.
>  I know he has done some stuff with kool keith who tends to be right on the
>  money in terms of choosing collaborators.

I've only ever come across Spooky once, he collaborates with Metallica for a 
track on the Soundtrack from the movie Spawn.  Its quite good actually, a 
Drum n Bass sort of Remix of For Whom the Bell Tolls.  But to be fair, its 
not exactly a work of genius, simply For Whom the Bell Tolls with new beats.  
I've never really heard of him other than this, I guess his questionable 
mixing hasn't brought him to the UK yet.  Dave Clarke on the other hand, the 
man totally rocks, one of the best DJ's around.  He plays around here all the 
time, and I've been lucky enough to hear many an excellent techno set from 
him, he's redefined how it should be done on a number of occasions.  I just 
need to catch one of his electro sets now.

Heres a question totally unrelated to DJ Spooky - I was listening to a DJ 
Funk mix and I am desperate to find out what one of the tunes was.  It starts 
out with this total electro sort of riff going on (which carries on through 
the tune), with a guy talking over top, he's talking about smoking to much 
weed, the words are something like this - I smoke to much weed I smoke blunts 
all day long, I sold my kids and wife, my VCR is gone, I took it to the pawn 
shop, my momma doesent understand, I need to smoke more herb, but if I dont 
stop, I'll be smoking it on the curb.  Some claps and hats come in somewhere 
in there, and then a very techno 4/4 comes in with a sort of bouncy sounding 
kick drum, at this point the vocal bit starts repeating, the guys just saying 
"I need weed in my life" over and over again.  The kick gets bouncier still, 
and then the mix just abruptly cuts off.  The track just about made me piss 
my pants with laughter, and I am wondering if anyone knows who it is/the name 
of it so I can hopefully get a full copy of it.  I was thinking maybe it 
could be Green Velvet, mainly because the way the guy speaks reminds me of 
other Green Velvet tracks, but I dont really know much about Green Velvet, so 
I am unsure.


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