Intellectual my ass. I've read Deluze, too, can I be a conceptual House music
DJ? His reading of Deluze is nothing but simplistic. He gets stress in NYC for
being bitter and unapproachable.

Mike Ladd / Anti-pop Consortium doesn't get any flack for being African American
and an intellectual. The main problem is making the music cohesive.

Cyclone Wehner wrote:

> Spooky doesn't see himself
> as mainstream at all, in fact he gets a lot of flack for his intellectual
> approach from the NY establishment. He sees it like, why can't an
> African-American man be an intellectual, a conceptualist, I don't want to do
> what the mainstream deems to be 'Black music' like gangsta rap or whatever.
> He is big on contemporary French philosophy (more influential than you'd
> think) and sees himself as intervening in those discourses.

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