>I honestly find difficult imagine him asking 100k for a gig as well
>as asking 15k for a melbourne club. (I've been in australia and
>Rolando played in Sydney in a 600 people venue)

Sydney has a very small techno scene relative to Melbourne, say. And it's
winter here. So that underground gig, which was actually very well attended
in the circumstances, is not typical. In Melbourne it was a bigger venue.

Mills played 6000 here in Melbourne in April. What's more, he very kindly
did phone interviews with a few select writers in advance, which would have
taken up a day of his time. So I think such professionalism and courtesy
should be rewarded.

But honestly can we leave all this talk of booking to Mills, his
agent/manager and the promoters. It's not really our business, unless this
is a forum for promoters. The figures on this list were grossly exaggerated,
I have no doubt. In fact the figures seem to be growing each time the
speculation arises. It's kinda crazy.

Heard any good records lately anyone? What is the new Alton Miller like?? 

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