(I can't believe no one's mentioned this on the list yet?)

Fixer and I went to see Richie & John do the Plus 8 Classics tour thing
at Giant in LA last night.  While I'm not much of a fan of "superclubs",
it's a nice big venue, and the DJ area is low (2 feet above the main floor)
and one could get a great view of Richie spinning (and sliding ... and tapping)
his magic behind the decks/efx/909.  He tore it up as usual (and a "Join In The
Chant" remix encore!  Long time no hear), and a good time was had by all.
(I'll have a couple of pictures up in the next day or so.)

At the show there were flyers for the Plus 8 Classics tour (practically
non-stop until December 2nd in Singapore).  The big news on it:

"FROM OUR MINDS TO YOURS, celebrating the 10th anniversary of Plus 8
Records, featuring

Richie Hawtin (decks/efx/909+)
John Acquaviva
Speedy J (live)
DBX (live)
Kenny Larkin
The Kooky Scientist (live)
Theorem (live)
Matthew Hawtin
Clark Warner

Call our info line line at +1 519 259 4322"

It's time for me to go back to Detroit.

        - Greg (Technotourist, West Coast chapter)

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