>>>>> "gc" == Gwendal Cobert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    >> I also like the more ascetic sorts of minimalism (Plastikman,
    >> Riou, Landstrumm).

    gc> so do I, Plastikman and Landstrumm I know, but Riou ? what
    gc> label, where can I hear some of it ?  Gwendal

Riou Tomita is a Japanese techno artist, with three LPs and a handful
of singles out on Kk Records. A reasonably complete discography can be
found at http://www.aoaioxxysz.net/music/discography/riou/.  His
personal page, which is unfortunately (for me, as I can't read it) in
Japanese, is at http://www.sound-channel.com/jp/artist/riou.html.
_Cone of Confusion_ and the "Head Room" EP are both good places to
start. He's been quiet recently, but is apparently working on a number
of Japan-only things for the Sound Channel label.

Some samples from _Exhibition Of The Samples_ are available on Amazon,
although it's hard to get the flavor of what he's doing in 30-second
chunks. It's moody, propulsive, and _very_ electronic sounding.


       . . . the self-reflecting image of a narcotized mind . . .
ozymandias G desiderata     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     desperate, deathless
(415)558-9064        http://www.aoaioxxysz.com/          ::AOAIOXXYSZ::

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