As far as I'm concerned, if you don't like something
go and tell the guy who runs this list... There's no
need for the flamming and spamming that goes on when
someone posts something a bit different. 

And you can't keep discussing the same topic over and
over. If you have 313 related question (and detroit is
the birthplace of techno, so all techno has a
connection with 313) you should be able to ask it
without hundreds of death threats appearing in your

Anyone disagree?

Nick (Dj Pacific:)
--- Phonopsia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > In a
perfect world, yes. But the rules as just
> recently posted, clarify a
> lot of what is on, or off-topic, and allow this list
> to remain unmoderated
> with a high content to crap ratio - hopefully. They
> also hopefully decrease
> the amount of bickering about rules.
> The Swedish on-topic thing is another cyclical 313
> thread, I refer y'all to
> the archives on that one. Agreed, it's a tricky one.
> One of the problem is
> you get lots of people on this list who only post
> about the swedes and other
> offshoots of Detroit techno, and never bring it back
> to home. But it's too
> much to sum up briefly. Check the archives:
> Tristan

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