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Hi Fred,

Berghain puts the set times up on their myspace. Here you go:

24:00 h – 5:00 h Norman Nodge
5:00 h – 6:00 h Octave One live
6:00 h – 8:00 h Kevin Sounderson
8:00 h – ende Andre Galluzzi

Panorama Bar "Made To Play" from 12 til 12.

24:00 h – 6:00 h Tristan Da Cunha & Adam Shelton
6:00 h – 9:00 h Jesse Rose
9:00 h – 12:00 h Claude Von Stroke
12:00 h – 15:00 h Cassy
15:00 h – 18:00 h Radio Slave
18:00 h – 21:00 h James Holden
21:00 h – ende Steffi

Berghain looks very strong that night. Perfect techno club.
Panoramabar rather wretched until midday, but should have a nice
atmosphere anyway (it tends to) so worth popping your head in.

In terms of getting in, I've never had any issue. Going by yourself is
an advantage. Learn the German for 'Just me', or 'One', as the bouncer
may ask you "How many are going in?". Just look serious in the queue,
don't speak English, and don't dick around, and you should be fine.
The bouncers are all middle aged gay men, as is the core Ostgut crowd,
so they're far from ageist. It's a much, much older crowd than in
Fabric (panoramabar is younger, same entry system, but very marked
separation inside). Since it's Berghain's birthday, and Berghain is
the gay part of the club, they may be stricter on the door -- but as a
single male, you should be the beneficiary of this.

Having said all this, you're more likely to get turned away if you go
during peak queuing time (roughly 2-7). Remember in Berlin once you've
paid, you get a stamp allowing you access to the club any time, so
going at 12, getting a stamp, and coming back a few hours later is
always an option.


On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 9:11 AM, Odeluga, Ken <> wrote:
> Second-hand [but well informed] advice:
> Dress as if you aim to make a small impression *and* sweat and have fun
> - although of course you'll need a coat whilst you're waiting to get in!
> Smile.
> Don't appear to be freaked by the freaks! :) As you know, this is
> perhaps the quintessential metropolis, and to a large extent people are
> free to be what they want, especially at night, and it being Berlin,
> more than the average number of people in a normal Western city, seem to
> take up that offer!
> Be sober.
> Please let us know how it goes, including the gig. :)
> Ken
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fred Heutte []
> Sent: Friday, December 12, 2008 12:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: (313) Octave One at Berghain, Berlin this Saturday night
> 13 December 2008:
> Klubnacht @ Berghain
> Berlin, Germany
> Anyone up for this ?  I'm coming back to Berlin from the UN climate
> conference in Poland early evening on Saturday.  Don't have a hotel
> yet but I'll be making those arrangements Friday.
> I have heard, um, stories about access to Berghain.  Since I am just
> some random old guy as far as doorpeople are concerned, advice about how
> to get in (and when, I don't want to wait around 6 hours for the guys to
> play) would be helpful.
> To see Rob Hood and Doc Martin at Fabric (Fabric!! not exactly your
> hypo-exclusive club) this past June, I had to pull off every social
> engineering trick I know but I did finally get in.  I'm not sure I'll
> have that kind of patience this time.  But I would love to see Octave
> One (longtime friends and, to be sure, one of the great techno live
> groups) especially in Berlin.
> cheers
> Fred
> Euro cell number until Dec 15:
> +48 785 401 096

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