First of all im a vinyl lover and Ill never give up that... Maybe thats silly but ive become too much used to browse easily with pictures on the records and put them fast on the decks. My basic brain also considers i will not pay for something i can get for free, then vinyl is also a way to make myself contribute to the underground music business necesary to make some creators work.

But mp3 has also become unavoidable, to be able to play 'only digital' music coming from free netlabels (including my tracks).

So I need a solution both efficient for my home and also for gigs, and that allow me to play both vinyl and mp3 :

1) Pacemaker. To me the best solution (why ? tactile pitch bend and small size), specially knowing it will be available at reasonable cost in a few months. But well its not really handy specially in the kindof gig where the club owner gives you a new drink at each record you play.

Actually my dream consists of an ipod touch / iphone app for djing. Some already exist but with way too much latency. Any more info ?

2) Laptop. Kindof affordable nowadays but less 'tactile' feeling unless you add a midi controller or some serato thing. What i dont like : all the plunging things to do to make everything works. You cannot arrive somewhere and start playing a few minutes after. I dont even talk about browsing tracks, but its also the problem with the pacemaker.

3) CD player. Now each club has so i can buy for home purpose only and bring only records to the gigs. Problem : i do not trust on grabbed cds, they do not last (ive lost tons of my sets i archived only on cd 5 years ago), which means after some years of use, you need to 'check' if your classics still work.

Imagining i keep the cd solution (becasue you only bring records with you and browsing can be done fastly), the ideal CD for my home sounds to be the Technics, coz of the 'vinyl' touch i want. But ive just heard very bad things about the master tempo (specially the dj scandal youtube) but it seems to have been fixed. Am i correct ? And why with that corrected, most the people still prefer the Pioneer ?

Your opinion interests me, knowing Ill still palay most of the music through vinyl and a regular mixer, which means I dont care about all the effects and mixing possibilties (including EQ) on the above mentionned devices.



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