On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 9:12 AM, Kevin Kennedy <the...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have this belief that all of us are jealous a bit of what he has
> accomplished without support from the 313.

I don't want this to turn into yet another "let's bash Richie" thread,
because it really doesn't serve any purpose. But I don't think this is
an accurate analysis of why some/many people on this mailing list have
a problem with Richie Hawtin.

I think that, as a person, Richie is a good guy.  I have never heard
otherwise, and that's what my limited contact with him has led me to
believe.  I believe he cares sincerely and deeply about music, his own
and others.  He's made some records that are seminal, and put on some
great events.

What I think people object to at this point is twofold -- his embrace
of what seems to a lot of us a pretty decadent, drug-addled European
dance music scene, and the way in which he's led, with his fame, the
taste of the dance music audience worldwide, into music we regard as
boring and soulless.

If you asked him I'm sure he'd agree he's fair game for serious
critique of what he does.  I don't know how much of it reaches him at
this point but he is not stupid or deluded.  What I know he has no
trouble ignoring is garden variety player-hating and internet flaming.

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