Ok, I don't think I have EVER written this much to this list.

Frank, I think that the data that you put together and your analysis
of it all is really important.  Yes, you put the words Paxahau and
racist together, but I have also heard a lot from local DJs and
producers in interviews I have been doing over the past year and five
months here.  Some are critical, some are not, some are on the fence.
So right now, that's where I'm coming from.

And...Carol Marvin is white :)
But I read ya loud and clear!

Alright now, goodnight!

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Frank Glazer <cpe1704...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I can't help but feel like you guys are directing these comments at me
> because I know you both read my blog.  I just wanted to point out two
> things
> 1) I asked the question "IS Paxahau racist?", I didn't claim that they
> were, necessarily.  I am really really glad that the festival is still
> going on, and Paxahau is doing a great job.
> 2) The dramatic change in the percentage of black performers to white
> performers between 05 and 06 is a fact.  Whether or not that was a
> conscious decision on Paxahau's part is clearly unknown.  But the
> facts are the facts, the festival got a lot whiter when white people
> were given control of it.  And I think that's a shame, and I don't see
> what's wrong with pointing it out.
> On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 11:43 AM, Denise Dalphond <ddalp...@umail.iu.edu> 
> wrote:
>> Me again...  :)
>> I don't think the Paxahau folks are a bunch of racists or don't care
>> about Detroit.  But that is often the general consensus by many
>> critics.  I am really interested in their motivations and personal
>> histories with Detroit.  I've interviewed one of the Paxahau DJs and
>> we talked a bit about this.  Trying to interview Jason Huvare, but
>> that probably won't happen until after the festival.
>>>> I think it's way more complicated than just "Paxahau is racist" or
>>>> they are just a bunch of guys from the suburbs who don't care about
>>>> Detroit.
>>> While I might quibble with some of Paxahau's decisions artistically, I
>>> think it's grossly unfair to talk sh1t about their motivations.
>>> Paxahau would be just fine without the festival -- in fact
>>> financially, they might actually be better off not doing it.  Paxahau
>>> does the festival because they want the festival to continue, because
>>> they believe in it's importance to Detroit, and because doing a
>>> festival of this scale successfully is a huge accomplishment.
>> --
>> Denise Dalphond
>> Ph.D. Candidate
>> Department of Folklore & Ethnomusicology
>> Indiana University
>> http://denisedjsdetroit.blogspot.com/
> --
> peace,
> frank
> dj mix archive:  http://www.deejaycountzero.com

Denise Dalphond
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Folklore & Ethnomusicology
Indiana University

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