PB wrote:
<Slightly OT>
Has anyone ever seen the Surgeon crack a smile?  Just wondering if
it's a "tough guy" techno thing to be a hardass... :-)  Couldn't help
but notice this from the photos on his site and other earlier pics of
him I'd seen....
</Slightly OT>


I think he's got a dry sense of humor; an example: when I get
artists to do mixshow IDs, they are given free reign with what to say as long
as they give their name and name my mixshow; most keep it pretty
straight, but his ID for me is "Hi, this is Tony Child also known as
Surgeon and I like badger racing." This was around 1995, so I
guess he was referencing his track "Badger Bite" from Pet 2000 on
Downwards. I thought it was funny. Andrew


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