As much as i'd love to join the pisstaking, i have to remind you that
they're not talking about 20 detroit techno tracks every fan should know.

Apart from that, those lists are always purely subjective and will cause mayhem and havoc whenever and whereever they appear. Still think there are much more
important records to mention there but then again from a not too stubborn
detroit kind of view the list ain't too bad. It'd be worse. There could be some
Cirez D track in it :)

Furthermore those are just 20 tracks everybody should know - it doesn't say
the most important, best or anything like that.

I compiled such a list a while ago according to "beauty" (whatever that means).
Can be found here:

Let the beatport hating  begin ;-)

Any list like this is subjective, of course. But while Detroit is
represented on this list, it sure tilts towards the european idea of
what comprises techno. Not to put too fine a point on it, it's a lot
whiter that I'd go, and includes some tracks that I think are
reductive and boring. *cough* Swedish *cough*

I'm sure a lot of you can come up with your own '20 _real_ techno tracks' list.

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