First of all, I think the whole Hall & Oates @ DEMF thing isn't 100%
serious, and I doubt Paxahau even has H&O on their radar. And it's
Carl Craig who will (mostly) be programming this year ...

I think hating on Paxahau is a waste of time.  In the world of event
promotion they're a large scale business who depends on punters
through the door to stay in business. That means they will book people
we don't care for.  To say they're only in it for the money is unfair,
because while I haven't met Jason, everyone else who I have met from
Paxahau has been a big music fan, and they take the idea of the
festival very seriously.

And think about it -- the festival is probably the most difficult,
time consuming way possible for Paxahau to make money.  They could do
better for much less effort booking psytrance DJs and Hard House DJs
into St. Andrews.  I'm sure there's a Detroit equivalent to NYC's
Bridge & Tunnel Guidos -- are their entertainment needs being met in
the Detroit Metro area?

There are currently 444 people on the 313 list, and while we might
imagine ourselves as keepers of the sacred flame, 444 geographically
scattered people probably couldn't even agree on a proper lineup, much
less program a financially sustainable annual festival.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Kevin Kennedy <> wrote:
>  I also think that we all are forgetting that Paxahau is like a Frank Zappa
> album title:  "were only in this for the money."

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