If my dad DJed like Rick Wilhite I might actually pay attention to
what he said... ;)

I think Wilhite is right in many ways about the stupidity of the
electronic music business as a whole, but hasn't that always been the
case ever since music became a commodity?  Ask Franz Schubert or
Charlie Parker...

Still, if you look at the reality of what the technology boom of the
90's promised and what the true result of this technology has been, it
certainly has lived up to the utopian hype that was floating about,
especially in the late nineties... Of course, not everyone bought into
the hype even then. Anyway, for me there is no question that our
current technology is bringing about certain dystopian results. And
the pro-technology crowd, to my mind, just sounds idiotic in there
rapturous worship of the latest market trend.

It's not really about technology though, it's about the level of human
thinking; I don't see many new ideas being introduced and I think that
the essential limits of our thinking were really defined in the
fifties and sixties of the twentieth century. From my point of view,
the new millenium never really arrived. Year 2000 was an illusion.

Also, I don't know of any electronic work that has come close to the
sophistication of the greatest acoustic music, perhaps because the
instruments for such music probably haven't been created, and the
techniques are relatively new. I firmly believe that really great
things often take multiple generations of human existence to come to
fruition. I am certain that such works will exis someday however, I'm
not saying that acoustic music is somehow "superior" ... but right now
humans do not have the will or the imagination to create such works.


On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 4:27 AM, Martin Dust <mar...@dustscience.com> wrote:
> On 21 Sep 2010, at 18:56, wojciech wrote:
>> -With Rick Wilhite:
>> http://www.residentadvisor.net/feature.aspx?1245
> It's so, so weird reading an interview from some who's into electronic music 
> but bangs on like your f*cking dad!
> m

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