I'm interested in what you mean "programmed & played live" -- not to doubt
your veracity, but for it to be 100% true you'd have to start out with all
your drum machine patterns empty, no sequences in sequenced synths, and
every set would inevitably start out with some pretty bare initial drum
programming.   Listening to the Plex set it seems like you start out with
some material ready to go.

Even Shawn Rudiman -- who is as close to completely live as they come --
has a bunch of midi loops ready to go in an MMT8...

On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Matt Chester <chesterm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The main thing I'm working on is 'The Pace', a new live project that I'm
> doing with Guy Thackeray (DJ Guy, Non Stop DJs, Global Fire). This is a
> fully live act, with everything 100% programmed and played on the spot,
> nothing pre-recorded or planned (some more info pasted below)

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