If that's the case, you should really put up some video I'm sure
that's some gear working madness that people would enjoy watching!


On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 9:15 AM, Matt Chester <chesterm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That's exactly what we do.   Empty drum machines and no synth sequences.
> Guy plays all the keys live and loops them up as he goes, he doesn't start
> with any patterns, and I use 3 drum machines all empty to begin with.   The
> only thing that is any way prepared are some of the patch banks.
> On that Plex session we cut off the first couple of loops of the recording
> where we built up those patterns
> On 13/09/2012 15:11, kent williams wrote:
> I'm interested in what you mean "programmed & played live" -- not to doubt
> your veracity, but for it to be 100% true you'd have to start out with all
> your drum machine patterns empty, no sequences in sequenced synths, and
> every set would inevitably start out with some pretty bare initial drum
> programming.   Listening to the Plex set it seems like you start out with
> some material ready to go.
> Even Shawn Rudiman -- who is as close to completely live as they come -- has
> a bunch of midi loops ready to go in an MMT8...
> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Matt Chester <chesterm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The main thing I'm working on is 'The Pace', a new live project that I'm
>> doing with Guy Thackeray (DJ Guy, Non Stop DJs, Global Fire). This is a
>> fully live act, with everything 100% programmed and played on the spot,
>> nothing pre-recorded or planned (some more info pasted below)
> --
> matt chester
> 11th hour recordings
> www.matt-chester.com

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