On 4 Mar 2013, at 14:25, David Powers <cybo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> First of all, it's the opposite, punk was (supposedly) influenced by
> situationism, 
> 'Marcus quotes the musician Paul Westerberg as saying that he became
> enthralled with the Sex Pistols because “It was obvious that they
> didn’t know what they were doing and they didn’t care.”

Talcy Malc did rip off a hell of a lot of dada and situationism but he didn't 
try to hide it.
He tried some of it on the New York Doll but it didn't work or stick.

It's interesting that the myth of them not being able to play still continues,
Jones, Cook, and Matlock could all play very well.

I think the key part about punk for me was that it was about getting up and 
having a go.

Here's the names and addresses of the studio's, pressing plants and venues --- 


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