Bandcamp/ Mp3
Four Owls
Che Noir w/ Apollo Brown
Detroit Techno Records

Theo Parrish - Wuddaji
Phenomyna / Stasis - Vinyle Inaugural Vol 1
B.C. - Stronghold EP
Mark Pritchard - MP Productions - EP1
Leisure Connection - March Of The Imbecile / Love From The Astroplane
The Advent - Life Cycles
Di'jital* - Efx Creed Ep
Aux88* - Counterparts

Not sure I always 'get' the Aux88 record yet, but isn't that the battle. Sometimes music is frictional?

Honourable mention
DJ Godfather, Keith Tucker's Youtube vLog, Movement-2020
DJ Krust Mentorship, A depressing Charie Kaufman, Karate Kid return on Netflix, Manga

Birds of Passage (Colombia)
The Gentleman (Uk)
Revenge/ Mest (Kazakhstan)


On 2020-12-25 00:36, Tristan Watkins wrote:
Oh, by the way, if you haven't checked Dan Curtin's Druid's Dream, you
should do so. Not massively fussed about the B side, but the A side is
really something new I think.

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