I still dont quite understand the statement "Techno came from Detroit"
very interesting concept..how things "come" from a place, out of the blue
and how people like to ignore everything that took place priorly
Nothing "comes" from a place..it is originated due to the influence of
something else, music genres dont come from a place, they originate from
other music styles, I hope you are not trying to tell me that blacks
"invented" music

Fahd Al Noor
Albuquerque, NM

On Sat, 9 Dec 2000 13:26:08 -0000, Jonny McIntosh wrote:

>  > I agree. Our music isn't "black" enough. It's too fast, there's no
>  > mackin and pimpin in it, it's not "urban" enough. House is too "gay". I
>  > have stopped worrying about it. If I was waiting to get paid from
>  > I'd be living under the overpass on I-75 and Mack. Or living in a
>  refrigerator
>  > box like my man Jean-Michel Basquiat. Cats like Shake had a complex
>  > no blacks buying our music (he is now over it) and me and Cornelius
>  > had a running debate about it. It has to become ghettotech (or
>  > "Bombs Over Bagdad") for black folks to be even remotely interested. No
>  > thanks.

>  It's a problem of perception, of course. And that problem is an
>  fact, rather than anything intrinsic (Jungle is faster, 2 Step Garage
>  seen as a problem, but it's just sped up NJ garage). It's dependent on
>  you know. In the case of techno, unlike say hip hop, it's been sold back
>  the States by Europe as something different - I mean, Fatboy Slim as
>  techno? - just as R&B was sold back as the Rolling Stones. The same
>  difference of perception exists in Europe. I am sure most people on this
>  list would acknowledge that, racial idealism aside, techno is a black
>  american art form. A lot people in the UK asked about techno would think
>  it's a Belgian/Dutch thing, though. 2 Unlimited have a lot to answer for.
>  The point is, it's a perception based upon what you know.
>  People often think race should be left out of techno; but not to the
>  that what Techno really is becomes a historical curiosity. People who
>  should say, hold the f**k on, this sh*t isn't Techno, or what Techno's
>  about, Techno came from Detroit and it's made by these here people and it
>  still is. And the same goes for House and it's black/gay background, or
>  music for that matter. Don't let people rewrite history through ignorance
>  apathy, because they will. It deserves to be treated as hip hop and jazz
>  treated, which is with a greater degree of historical accuracy (or at
>  in the negative, without historical revsionism: Simon Reynolds, take

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