Just stop.  

Now we have a classic stink bomb in our mailing list.  Someone who
to my recollection hasn't even posted in this group drops a very
serious and eye-catching post about a notable figure, Juan Atkins.
And does so in a manner so sincere it makes your head hurt.

We don't know who "Horiatio" is and what their agenda may be.

Not only that, whatever Juan's personal situation is, it is NOT OUR
BUSINESS to talk about on this list.  If the allegation is true,
it is not our business.  If the allegation is false, it is not our
business.  This is a personal matter.

Would you want some random walking-around person stating things about
YOUR personal affairs to a public forum, no matter what it was or
what the context was?  

This is a matter of respect and privacy.  

All the rest is fronting.


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