player-hater alert going off like crazy...

lol.  wait wait wait, just because you spin deep house you're a player?

how are you supposed to promote great music if there are people coming on, RIGHT after you, that immediately cheapen the aspect of the music?

I would assume that if indeed what you were spinning WAS great music, and that the person spinning was you WAS INDEED spinning crap, that the crowd would feel even better about your set due to contrast. "boy, i'm glad the dj after me was bad; he made me look good."

love for music burns deep, Jayson B. hope you understand that, otherwise you've got the wrong list.

Of course my love for music burns deep mike (i'm a live pa for pete's sake). Would i feel so strongly about Revolver's comments if i didn't feel strongly about it.

Maybe i'm a bad person, but i'm GLAD you people are talking about this stuff again (for or against me). I know a lot of 'old schoolers' have been complaining about people filling up their inboxes with old discussions, but the way i see it is that most of the inbox crap comes from two types of posts:

1) people posting to both the board and to the personal email box, doubling the amount of posts (and to think i just did this. sorry)


2) the monotoned posts about "what did you find on napster?"

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