If someone doesn't like a style of music I wouldn't call it following a 
trend.  Take another genre of music such as hard house.  I don't like hard 
house at all in fact I probably hate it more than I hate trance am I 
following a trend?  Just b/c someone like techno and hates trance doesn't 
mean they are following any trend at all.  It means they don't like trance.  
I understand u are a trance p a Jayson but this isn't other lists and trance 
for the majority isn't appreciated on this list<yes there are some 
exceptions>but again I said majority...the topic of the list in Detroit 
techno and related subjects and it strives to keep that topic...I don't think 
any of us are followers...we just share a common interest and a liking for 
wonderful music.


In a message dated 12/16/2000 1:24:15 PM Eastern Standard Time,  

>  so, what your saying is that you wanted to tell us all that you hate 
>  so that way we'll accept you?
>  does trashin on a genre of music validate you as a dj?
>  I guess i find it humorous that those of you who cause the most rucous 
>  "hating trance," are those of you who are being followers as much as those 
>  who "love trance."
>  discussion topic?

 " For those who Know " - Mike Banks

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