I thought it was excellent as well, though I wouldn't go as far as saying
the best ever.

I arrived a bit late, having seen in the New Year in the comfort of my own
home with my girlfriend. Upon arrival I was glad to discover very friendly
joking security, loads of massive heaters, no trouble getting in and some
mate of Rachel's spinning UK Garage. Upstairs, and first stopping port of
call, there was Rick Wilhite, which sounded a bit pedestrian due to a very
quiet sound system (at that time, anyway, it improved by the time KDJ
appeared). He was playing a greatest hits of Carl Craig set, or so it
seemed. I remember at the 3 Chairs night Rick played the most Detroity of
the 3 sets. We grabbed a beer each and investigated further.

Down the stairs and... f**king hell! A massive aircraft hanger sized
derelict room with a massive crack down the side and a live version of
Amazon like I have never heard before in my life! This was Agent Chaos, I
have since been told, and it was damn impressive. The 30 quid entrance was
worth it for that alone. After that the DJing in there was a bit of a let
down, there was some pretty bad echo coming back off the far wall if you
were on the stage (behind which the Djing was be done from) which maybe
didn't help, but I would imagine the monitoring would be up to scratch,
nothing appeared to be done half heartedly when it came to things like that.
Still, the tracks were a what's what of classic UR (Final Frontier,
Stardancer, Mirage, a lot of Octave One stuff) - anyone know what the track
directly after Stardancer was? The whole thing was interspersed with UR folk
appearing silhouetted in cracks on the wall doing what looked like some pole
dancing without the pole.

Moved up to catch the end of Moodymann's set (we'd been up earlier and heard
"If You Should Need A Friend", which is a favourite of my girlfriend's).
That seemed to be very good. In advance I wasn't really that fussed about
Kenny playing, having seen him DJ and be blown away by Theo Parrish at the 3
chairs night. So it came as a surpise to find this set to be very good
indeed. The move to a half DJ half live set was very canny - gets a bit more
of his personality across, which he can only do partly by DJing with his own
records. I don't know who it was that Djed after, but they weren't nearly as
good - they played that awful gimmicky 7" remake of MAW's "To be in love" -
most of it was alright, though. Here we remained until we left at around
5am, not having the, err, stamina of some others.

It was good to meet, albeit briefly, with John (who'd come into the shop
earlier in the day and pick up a copy of "Gravitational Arch", which I had
missed) and Otto (who confessed to being as bad a trainspotter as I was
being!). It was a very friendly crowd, and the staffing was excellent too -
the bouncer as we left commanding the mini cab drivers to give us a good
price for the journey home. Well done Freddy Ranx - a very good way to start
the year, I thought.

I can imagine, however, that if you missed Amazon live and Moodymann it
would seem a bit pedestrian - you couldn't help but be blown away by the UR
room (that seems a ridiculous word for it), though, which was well suited to
their sound. I didn't miss either and I loved it.

Take care,


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