On Sat, 10 Mar 2001, Jeffrey Paul wrote:

] At 02:50 AM 3/10/2001, Saul Goode wrote:
] >   this reminds me of an idea i have of selling(giving) label 'blanks'. 
] > it's probably already been done, but they would be like white stickers or 
] > any logo you wanted with a perferated X in the center so they would also 
] > correct over sized holes.
] >   the prototypes i have are just: question marks, plain white, and spirials.
] >   i still have some, so let me know if anyone wants any.
] >
] The stickers are an interesting idea.... however it seems to me that 
] soaking the record in a tray of water for a number of hours would probably 
] make the label soggy enough to remove completely with a fingernail.  Might 
] leave a bit of glue around, though :/

How would the vinyl react with the minerals in the water, though? I gather
most people dont have access to ultra-pure micrometre filtered autoclaved
water which is totally 100% pure, and unlikely to react with anything. 
I guess it's better taking a chance with unclean water than using any solvents
(which would do to vinyl what water did to the wicked witch of the west).


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