> >The DJs primary purpose is to expose music. That is the original
> >history of DJing. It is how this all started. A lot of things have >changed 
> >since the early days of radio, but I fail to see how the DJs >primary 
> >obligation to expose artists has ever mutated.
> I'm sorry, I must disagree with you on this fine point. The primary purpose 
> of the DJ is to entertain an audience. If a DJ's primary purpose was to 
> expose artists then a DJ could play a set of terrible artists and do it 
> really poorly and yet they would still be doing their job well because they 
> are exposing artists.

well, by the same logic, a dj could put on a funny suit, make balloon
animals, and play crappy records, and still be doing his job well, because
they're entertaining their audience.

2 sides to every coin.

chris, waiting to see more djs in funny suits.

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