I can honestly say he is not a "greedy bastard" ... he
does not play because of the $$ issue.........
maybe you touched on the truth a little bit about
promoters and such (not the money part) but .. I can
not speak for him and his reasons why, but I do know
it is not about $$

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > The way I see it is... most promoters in the US
> dont want to pay that much
> > for Mills..  in Europe... its no problem.  Why on
> earth would he want to
> > come to the US to make less then he can in Europe,
> but then again.. its not
> > about the money.. its about the music.. right?
> i think it's also about not having to deal with the
> incompetent
> high-school aged promoters and generally
> unappreciative crowds at large
> scale events (read: raves) in the states.
> Having said that, I think there's plenty of
> promoters and venues in the
> states that he wouldn't have those kinds of problems
> with.  So I'm not
> disagreeing with th statement that he's a greedy
> bastard, but the
> impression I've got is that it's generally a better
> experience all around
> when you play in europe.  
> *shrug*
> there's a lot of people I'd rather see than mills...
> and most of them are
> on that lineup :)
> chris
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