> > I noticed the track listing is different on the
> > planet e release than on the 2000 black release 
> > specifically the 4 hero track is not on the planet e.
> Are you talking about the 4Hero cover of John
> Coltrane's "Naima"? This isn't available as a single
> unfortunately (as far as i know). I've heard that a
> bunch of Naima covers will be appearing on Laws of
> Motion soon... It might already be out actually so I
> the 4Hero mix MIGHT be on there...

That's too bad they didn't put 4 Hero's cover of Coltrane's Namia
on the Planet E version of the comp.  I frankly think it's one of
the best cuts on the whole comp! Great percussion and they kept
the best sax line.  I especially love how it ends, it's really
tight.  I don't know if I'd recommend that people go buy the
import version on 2000 Black just for this one track, but it's
reallly good and worth hearing if you haven't.

Good point about it maybe appearing on Laws of Motion?  SPeaking
of, anyone heard the Modaji  full album on Laws of Motion?  The
Modaji downtempo track on the Laws of Motion 2xLP compilation is
my favorite track on that whole comp, really sparkling and
atmospheric/deep. OVerall that comp is pretty strong, I recommend
it if you're into the W. London thing.  Wish more of these guys
were coming to DEMF...  though it's awesome that Mark
deClive-lowe will be there.  He's played keys on a lot of tracks
coming outta that whole camp (People, Bitasweet, etc.) and I
think he plays some of the the stuff by Seiji and B.B. Boogie?

Matt MacQueen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
archived radio shows --> http://macqueen.com/radio

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