----- Original Message -----
From: "Matt MacQueen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 5:03 PM

> That's too bad they didn't put 4 Hero's cover of Coltrane's Namia
> on the Planet E version of the comp.  I frankly think it's one of
> the best cuts on the whole comp! Great percussion and they kept
> the best sax line.  I especially love how it ends, it's really
> tight.  I don't know if I'd recommend that people go buy the
> import version on 2000 Black just for this one track, but it's
> reallly good and worth hearing if you haven't.
> Good point about it maybe appearing on Laws of Motion?

No, the Laws of Motion 12" that features covers of Nania is:

Hipnotic : Nania

a. Hipnotic : Nania
b. Hipnotic : Nania (Ian O'Brien remix)

its actually a great 12", possibly one of the best things that LOM of


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