fighting skinheads would be bad because there are plenty of people out there
who wear all black, have tattoos, and have little to no hair.  i am one of
them.  so are most of the people i work with...we are called sailors.
someone at the bar used the word "nigger" tonight and i told him to shut up,
all because it was a word i completely disagree with using in pretty much
any way.  i don't care if the dictionary says to it is an ignorant person.
i completely am against racism.  i never used to care, but after being out
of the neighbor(hood) and mixing with other folks of different racial
background then me (and who didn't grow up with me), and being discriminated
against because i am mostly white, did i have a problem with it.  there is
really no way to combat bigotry, you can say all you want about what a
horrible thing it is, but there are alot of closed minded people out there
who will be hateful towards another group of people that they don't belong
to.  it could be because of the way they were brought up, or spite, or just
plain ignorance, but i just can't see it happening.   by the way, i hate
these race threads that pop up every month or so.  i think there are
millions and millions of races out there since every single person is
different anyways.  
i don't have 2 cents to give

> ----Original Message-----
> From: Wraith313 [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 6:17 AM
> Cc:
> Subject:      RE: [313] Carl Craig's revolutionary statements...
> Hey sorry if my statements sounded demeaning to good people.  I didnt mean
> for that.  
> When someone says the word revolutio, it doesn't really include any of the
> good work done on the issue.  I and I think Carl Craig refers to
> reolutionaries.  Revolutionaries, as you recall from the french revolution
> against monarchy, are people who fight against their oppressor.  My
> question to the group is, how is a bigot differentiated from others.  Now
> remember this.  If a revolution were to go down at the DEMF for instance.
> How will the revolutionaries know who to fight against?  There are no
> uniforms involved...  I mean maybe they could go up against the skinheads
> or something?  But, working down in river rouge and being called a bigot a
> few times because I am white, I have a hunch that I would be a target to
> an anti-bigot revolutionary.  The thing is, I do not consider myself a
> bigot...  Does anyone see where I'm coming from here?
> On Wed, 04 April 2001, "Mann, Ravinder           [CCS]" wrote:
> > 
> > i didnt want to join this debate...
> > 
> > ...but "racial revolution bandwagon" is somewhat demeaning the postive
> work done by many
> >  a person of many colour variations......bigotory is not always based on
> race - but
> >  is based on ignorance...time to move on...
> > 
> > 
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From:    Wraith313 [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent:    Wednesday, April 04, 2001 1:56 PM
> > > Cc:
> > > Subject:    [313] Carl Craig's revolutionary statements...
> > > 
> > > It seems like Carl Craig is on the racial revolution bandwagon
> nowadays too.  Listen 
> > > to  the end of his "more songs abot food.." album and there is an
> interestingly devilish 
> > > sounding voice warning us of a revolution against bigotry.  My
> question is, to the 
> > > group, how does he and other revolutionaries plan to decipher bigots
> from the rest 
> > > of us?    Bigots come in all colors, so color differentiation is not
> an option...  
> > > Atleast this enigma would pop into the head of any revolutionary who
> had atleast 
> > > some brains...    Do you agree? 
> > > 
> > 
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> Wraith313
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