Dear 313 Friends-

I'm afraid I will not be at DEMF this year. As a matter of fact, I am now 
officially boycotting it and will no longer support Carl Craig, planet E, the 
Ford Motor Company, or any other individual or association helping sponsor or 
organize the DEMF. 

The reason for my seemingly radical stance is that Autechre will be playing. 
Now, until recently, I was a very big fan of theirs, however the controversy 
cam ewith the release of their new album "Cornfield". Now, being raised in the 
heartland of america, the "Midwest" as it were, I have a strong afinity for 
cornfields and the earth below them. When I first heard that the title for the 
new album would be "Cornfield" I was very excited, "Finally" I thought, 
"Autechre will be focusing on the needs and unique experiences of the farmer!" 
However, after several close listens, I realized that this was not the case at 
all, in fact, Autechre seem to be expliting and misappropriating "farm scene" 
culture and ideas to make money.

As a matter of fact, Autechre's bastardization of the agricultural scene is on 
par with Puff Daddy's exploitation of Grand Master Flash's "The Message". Both 
of these scam artists took something good and significant and recontextualized 
them them into heinous consumer based exchange entities. I'm sure Sean and 
Rob(ber) were sitting in their studio one day, and said "Hey, in the US they 
have a strong farmer community. I bet if we made an album that appealed to 
them, we could make loads of cash."

It is this mentality that has infected almost each and every great movement: 
Rock'n'Roll, Disco, Hip-Hop, Rave, and Agriculture. And ultimately caused their 
downfall. I refuse to see the farm scene, which I consider myself and active 
member of, get corrupted and commercialized by a bunch of Englishmen... WHO 
AREN'T EVEN FARMERS!! This is just unacceptable. 

And that is why you won't see me at DEMF this year.

Keep it real,


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