i wish i had as much spare time as you. . .

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Totally 2 Step wrote:

> Dear 313 Friends-
> I'm afraid I will not be at DEMF this year. As a matter of fact, I am now 
> officially boycotting it and will no longer support Carl Craig, planet E, the 
> Ford Motor Company, or any other individual or association helping sponsor or 
> organize the DEMF. 
> The reason for my seemingly radical stance is that Autechre will be playing. 
> Now, until recently, I was a very big fan of theirs, however the controversy 
> cam ewith the release of their new album "Cornfield". Now, being raised in 
> the heartland of america, the "Midwest" as it were, I have a strong afinity 
> for cornfields and the earth below them. When I first heard that the title 
> for the new album would be "Cornfield" I was very excited, "Finally" I 
> thought, "Autechre will be focusing on the needs and unique experiences of 
> the farmer!" However, after several close listens, I realized that this was 
> not the case at all, in fact, Autechre seem to be expliting and 
> misappropriating "farm scene" culture and ideas to make money.
> As a matter of fact, Autechre's bastardization of the agricultural scene is 
> on par with Puff Daddy's exploitation of Grand Master Flash's "The Message". 
> Both of these scam artists took something good and significant and 
> recontextualized them them into heinous consumer based exchange entities. I'm 
> sure Sean and Rob(ber) were sitting in their studio one day, and said "Hey, 
> in the US they have a strong farmer community. I bet if we made an album that 
> appealed to them, we could make loads of cash."
> It is this mentality that has infected almost each and every great movement: 
> Rock'n'Roll, Disco, Hip-Hop, Rave, and Agriculture. And ultimately caused 
> their downfall. I refuse to see the farm scene, which I consider myself and 
> active member of, get corrupted and commercialized by a bunch of 
> Englishmen... WHO AREN'T EVEN FARMERS!! This is just unacceptable. 
> And that is why you won't see me at DEMF this year.
> Keep it real,
> t2s
> ==
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