Rob Theakston wrote:
> your turn.....

First of all, seconded on the Metro Area. Fab stuff all around.
In the same vein: having missed the Balihu releases when they first came
out, I picked up pretty much the entire back catalogue when they were
repressed about a month ago (?) and haven't stopped listening to them
since. Danny Wang is a genius.

Tim Jackiw - 'Science of Sound' (Offworld). 
One of those records that makes you wonder whether there is any justice
in the music industry at all. Because of bad distributors and record
shops, this record went virtually unnoticed when it was released in '97.
A criminal shame, because it's a stunningly beautiful record, an
absolute gem that deserves to be rated alongside 'Kao-Tic Harmony',
'Icon', 'At Les' and 'Galaxy 2 Galaxy'. I'm not going to stop pushing
this record until it is.

Jerome Sydenham + Kerri Chandler - 'Saturday' (Ibadan)
Album full of great latin/afro-influenced house music from those who do
it best. Can't wait to get back to Body&Soul to hear it in the perfect

Duplex - 'Autosave' (Ground Zero)
Yes, I know it's bad form to list releases on your own label in a top
10, especially when it's the same week that it's being released, but I
have to make an exception in this case. Ever since I heard 'Autosave'
off of tape in a car almost a year ago, I haven't been this excited
about a techno record basically since 'Jaguar' first sent shivers down
my spine. EPs like these are the reason I got into techno and it's an
honor to release this.


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