> In the same vein: having missed the Balihu releases when they first
> came
> out, I picked up pretty much the entire back catalogue when they were
> repressed about a month ago (?) and haven't stopped listening to them
> since. Danny Wang is a genius.

Truly, and thanks to your tipoff I will now go and complete my Balihu
collection. "Let's go, let's go to mars!"

> Tim Jackiw - 'Science of Sound' (Offworld). 
> One of those records that makes you wonder whether there is any
> justice
> in the music industry at all. Because of bad distributors and record
> shops, this record went virtually unnoticed when it was released in
> '97.
> A criminal shame, because it's a stunningly beautiful record, an
> absolute gem that deserves to be rated alongside 'Kao-Tic Harmony',
> 'Icon', 'At Les' and 'Galaxy 2 Galaxy'. I'm not going to stop pushing
> this record until it is.

Ok, now you've got me all excited. Does this record have the tracks
'Archers' and 'Waves' on it? Because I heard this back in 97, went
round to all the record stores in my city, and nobody had even heard of
it! Please, fill us in!

> Duplex - 'Autosave' (Ground Zero)
> Yes, I know it's bad form to list releases on your own label in a top
> 10, especially when it's the same week that it's being released, but

Alright alright I'll check it out!

And now for my selection:

"Art is a division of Pain" by Anthony Rother, as PSI Performer.
On Kanzleramt, this is dark, disturbing, and very very good. I liked
Simulationszeitalter, but this just takes it to a whole new level, with
interesting production and much more varied sounds.


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