In the end I thought 'electronic music is next for the bastardizing

yes and no. If you remember the chemical brothers/prodigy fiasco, that was mass media's attempt at bankin on "electronica." and it was a huge flop.

but that could've been because they overcompensated on their "we need to water this down so its familiar" plans. electronica maybe had just a LITTLE too much rock in it.

anyone see the Tire commercial on TV with timo maas's production crew's song "dooms night"? Maybe mass media has realized that watering down the music isn't the answer to popularity. who knows.

I now understand why MTV USA has left it alone
for the most part and chooses to remain publically

back to said chemical prodigy fiasco. Both groups' videos on mtv did HORRIBLE (except for smack my bitch up, which was ironically pulled and was one of my favorite videos of all time).

I also found it interesting that the ICP crowd thinks
sticking up the middle finger is the most interesting
way to 'fight the man'.

its their most interesting way to make money off of fighting the man. that's why.

Its like Rage against the machine, "FUCK SOCIETY, FUCK THE GOVERNMENT, FUCK THE ESTABLISHMENT, but please buy our records and T shirts and 40 dollar concert tickets."

Its their business. Another example of the pure genius of the Riaa: they can take anything and turn it into profit, even the hate for themselves.

 Basically, what it boils down to is...unless we break
the cycle-we're our own worst enemy.

but let me ask you this: WHY should we break the cycle? This cycle has been a part of the human society machine since the very begining of our existence, except it used to be called Culture and not Mass Media. The Masses Control themselves; the importance of belonging is so important they will supercede their own impulses to do what a group is doing.

The way i see it, there's 3 groups in Society (not an original thought, but i think it needs to be reiterated here). Group one are those who follow Mass Media as much as possible. They're the biggest. there's group 2 who goes "against" mass media's influence, and in turn, are just as much a bunch of followers and such as group one.

then there's group 3 who just doesn't give a fuck. They don't listen to said music style Abecause it makes them look smart and they don't ignore music style B because they'll look dumb. They just follow their own impulses (not completely: they still have been influenced by culture somehow)

ok, i'll shut up.   Shiat, i wrote that as if it was never said before.

I owe this eye opener to
Miss G.

miss G.

The only way they'll own it is if its allowed. I'm not
saying ban the DEMF or Ford's money. But rather, use
them as the rich aunt. Sure, throw the money around
all you want-but it doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to
praise you or acknowledge you in my life liner notes.

well said. There's nothing wrong with corporate sponsorship, there IS something wrong with corporations wanting to control it through their sponsorship.

on a lighter note if you're in Ann Arbor, MI get on
down to Stucci's and Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream-it's
free ice cream for lunch day.:)

so not fair.  I moved from ypsi/ann arbor  a year ago.
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