> anti-everything list.  ***PLEASE GET THE FUCK BACK ON
> TOPIC***

Wow that is a bitter pill your takin there pal!  lol

I don't know that I have a fav, but Tim Xavier's mix live @ Karma is pretty 
damn sweet.  I like its machine-like feel.  It makes me think of destructive 
robots with wires hanging out and only half working making crazy ass sounds....

Also, Joel Mull's live @ Karma mix is pretty seet too.  The vocals in the 
middle sounded kind of weak at first, but after a listen they kind of enhance 
the mix and take it into a new realm of sort.

these and more can be found at www.713tekno.com

Peace and cool down bro!!! =)

PeoplePC:  It's for people. And it's just smart. 

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