Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......(gains composure)

U gotta be freakn Smiley's cousin or something!  Who cares
what you think and dont care about, some things have strayed
far from the point, but what is "on Topic" what you want to discuss?
Or to U others, anyone one who wants to step up, is it SOLELY about  
music? AS THOUGH, culture and politics are not interrelated.  No analysis, no
nothing!  It should be a combo, but I didnt see you complaining when people
were sending dumb snippets of just GOOFY stuff to the list.

U know your options but dont try to control what everyone talks about cuz
u dont want to talk about it, or because you're using to much effort in hiting
the delete key.........

Oh my favorite mix, its called "butcher little Johnny", but i cant
recall the DJ who mixed it.  WHy? Oh it just fit the purpose of this email....
(I'd call U a chump, but hey there is no name calling on this list, so I wont 
do it)

----- Original Message -----
From: Samuel Hobbs
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:37 PM
Subject: [313] 313?

   i am just wondering if this is a detroit techno
list or a list in which members can air bitches about
george, bush, ford, evil corporate entities, etc,
etc., etc.  if i wanted to hear about this crap as
opposed to what new album is hot or what talented dj
or live pa is coming to town then i would have signed
up on some anti-corporation, anti-republican,
anti-everything list.  ***PLEASE GET THE FUCK BACK ON
   now i know that someone will argue that this stuff
is somehow relevant to 313 but i don't give a shit.
it's an irrevalent argument.
   so to help the list enter a new and exciting era of
on-topic discussion, i will ask the question what is
your favorite mixtape or live dj set on cd and why?

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