On Fri, 11 May 2001, Nick Walsh wrote:

> conclusions. What do we do if it happens tho? What if
> "they" start selling OUR music as if it was always
> theirs? Maybe it's a big plot by Sony so that they own
> everything Mad Mike wouldn't let them have...

By at least _then_ we'll have to do what we did during the Sony-episode:
to stand up for our rights.

Working in an IT-company, this image resembles IMO a bit the situation
the Open Source community is now facing because of Microsoft's attempts to
take over the OS-concept: "It's open source and available to everyone and
everybody has the rights for it, but we still own it and we will make the


 Jussi Lehtonen     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     www.netppl.fi/~sandman

  "Do not allow yourself to be programmed.
   For once, in your life, take control. Take control." - UR

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