joshtwentythree made me laugh so bad!!!!!!!!!!
This is the funniest post for a while now:):):)

It just shows how seriously some of us are taking all this DEMF madness;)

-Proffit (a little tired of work)

> I think that action is necessary.  Nothing too
> militant, or extreeme, but
> i think that we need to show pop culture media, that
> we want Carl Craig to
> stay.

ok here's what we would be better if we
had some extra time to set this up, but time is of the
essence, first...we're gonna need a monkey...I know,
monkey are cliche...but this is neccesary...ok, so we
train the monkey over the next two weeks to be able to
pretend to be Carol Marvin...then when the time of the
demf nears we get a crack force of geeky techno
guys...i know...we're stretching a little bit
here...but -some- of us have to spend some time
outside, play basketbal or something, I'll need a show
of hands of people who have seen the sun and broken a
sweat because of moving in the last 6 months, we'll
use those guys to make the team...anyway. so we kidnap
Carol Marvin with our awesome team of geeky techno
guys and replace her with the monkey, I'm sure since
we're so close to the DEMF no one will notice,
hopefully the looking for lice in peoples hair will be
attributed to the carol monkey will give
said speeches which will consist of "ook ook" and "eek
eek" and hopefully some poop throwing...that would be
a plus, this will hopefully do some damage to her we take Carol back to our secret
base...uh, any volunteers for a secret base?...and
make her watch Brady Bunch reruns and The Sound of
Music over and over again with the sound up loud while
playing Britney Spears "oops...I did it again" at the
same time, this coupled with Ubersamalian(did I get
that right) smith lip synching the whole time in
nothing but a g-string and some of those little nipple
tassles...these actions should in no time at all get
her to concede to our demands...what do you guys
think? I've put a lot of time into this idea...

|please kill me.|

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