he played here in seattle a couple of weeks ago and was using the mpc to
trigger (i think) an emu sampler both of which he was just plugging into the
dj mixer.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kent williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 9:59 AM
> To: Dennis DeSantis
> Cc: 313@hyperreal.org
> Subject: Re: [313] Gear for Live PAs?
> On Thu, 19 Jul 2001, Dennis DeSantis wrote:
> > Chris,
> > 
> > Thanks for the response.
> > 
> > Yeah, I've read his essay about it, although I'd be 
> interested in other
> > people's solutions as well.  Also, he can't JUST be using 
> an MPC - he's most
> > likely triggering other devices with it.
> > 
> He had a Nord Lead Rack and a Yamaha Promix 01/V  last time 
> he came through.
> The 01V has built in effects that are very usable.  In the 
> essay he also
> said he's bought a rack sampler of some sort to get around the MPC's 
> limitations on sample memory.  He sequences that and the nord 
> from the MPC.
> > What I'm interested in is hearing about people's complete setups.
> I've been hauling out my studio computer complete with a 17" monitor
> lately, both because I can't afford a laptop, and because a 'real'
> computer can hold my multi-output sound card.
> I have a Reaktor Ensemble that I built that allows for a couple of
> loop sequenced drum tracks and  a bunch of loop players, and effects.
> Each sound in Reaktor goes to an individual output on my Core2, into
> my Promix01, so I can mute channels on the fly.  I have about 70
> meg of loops -- some purpose built ones, a load that I
> pulled out of my 'back catalog'  tracks, and a few I've pinched from
> various on line sources and my CD collection.
> On top of my loops -- most of which I've heavily processed in 
> the course
> of their evolution, I have a bunch of custom effects I built 
> in reaktor that
> I can employ, along with the Promix built in effects.
> When I'm playing I do a sort of DJ move -- I mute a channel, 
> and hit the
> monitor button for that channel so I can audition it in 
> headphones before
> I bring it into the mix.  
> Before each set I go through and weed out a few sample that 
> don't really work
> and add a few more I've built in the meantime. And of course I try and
> hack the effects I use as I come up with new ones.
> So each set really ends up being a sort of live remix of every track
> I've ever made. In fact after the last time I played one of the 2 or 3
> people who are actually familiar with my music came up and 
> said "that remix
> you did of Burundi2 was cool!" -- and I couldn't really 
> remember bringing
> those samples into the mix.
> The whole experience reminds me of those vaudeville acts 
> where a guy keeps
> a bunch of plates spinning on sticks -- I'm simultaneously 
> tweaking tracks,
> diddling effect sends, previewing new sounds to bring into 
> the loop, and
> adjusting the mix.  I've neglected to record my sets with 
> this setup so
> far, and I'm going to start because I honestly have no idea how my set
> sounded when I'm done, because I'm so focused on constantly 
> changing it
> up.
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